Preparing your dog for your incoming bundle of joy begins long before you give birth. Introducing your new baby to the existing pets in your home is much less stressful if you start to prepare early, and if done properly you can ensure your baby's safety and well-being. The sooner you begin to prepare your dog, the better chance you will have a successful and easy transition once the baby arrives.
The most important rule to remember is to NEVER leave any baby or young child unattended with any pet, no matter how docile and friendly that pet may be.
The tips below will help your whole household (including your dog) prepare for the successful introduction of your new baby into the home.
- Make a conscious effort to gradually decrease the amount of attention you give your dog throughout the day. Give your dog longer periods of undivided attention (such as playing fetch in the yard or going for a long walk) rather than short bursts of attention throughout the day. This will prepare your dog for the inevitable decrease in the attention he will receive when the baby comes.
- Slowly start to make any schedule changes before the baby actually arrives.
- Play recordings of baby sounds at low volume, and only increase the volume when your dog is not stressed and remains calm.
- Use a realistic baby doll that moves and makes noise to prepare your dog for what a real baby will look and sound like. Praise and reward when your dog is polite and calm around the doll.
- Walk past children at a safe distance, such as walking past a playground or school. If your dog reacts negatively to the sight of children, consult a professional immediately.
- Bring home an item that your baby wore in the hospital to get your dog used to the smell of your baby.
- Move your dog's things, if any, out of the nursery before the baby arrives.
- Continue to provide exercise and mental stimulation for your pet, even if you have to hire a dog walker or pet-sitter.
- Hire a professional trainer to handle any form of aggressive or problematic behavior in your dog.
- Growling is a warning sign that gives you a chance to address the problem. Do not punish warning signs--otherwise, your dog may go directly to overt aggression without issuing a warning next time.
- Watch for signs your dog is stressed out, including panting, lip licking, yawing, and tense body language.
- Bring a helper along to assist with the introductions.
- Let the dog smell and greet all existing members of the household before bringing the baby inside.
- Multiple pets should meet the baby one at a time and should be on a leash for maximum safety.
- If your dog displays any questionable behavior, remove the baby from the area immediately and seek help from a qualified force-free trainer. Find a Victoria Stilwell Positively licensed trainer.
More information about child and dog safety from Family Paws Parent Education.
More information about pets and babies from the American Humane Association.