I am fortunate to receive letters from dog owners all over the world. My show- ‘It’s Me or the Dog,’ has been broadcast in over twenty countries, and fortunately, the message of responsible ownership is also spreading to far-off places such as Brazil, Dubai, and Hong Kong. If I personally answered all the training questions I receive from dog owners I would be spending the next two years on my computer. I don’t have the luxury of time, so I will attempt to answer some frequently asked questions via this blog.
Universal issues
What doesn’t surprise me is that dog owners all over the world have the same problems. I receive letters asking for advice on anything from housetraining to destructive chewing, from aggress displays to jumping up on visitors. Some owners are mildly irritated by their dog’s bad behavior, while others are at their wit’s end and ready to send the dog to a shelter. However, it continually amazes me that many owners still have very little knowledge about how to deal with their dog’s behavior.
Untapped resources
There is such a wealth of great training information available, yet it seems few people tap into it. Please don’t let this stop you from writing for advice because I feel very honored to be in a position where I can help to improve dogs’ lives with their owners and vice versa. But I would urge you to take advantage of valuable information that is readily available in books, videos, and from qualified trainers, making sure that you stay away from any that are punitive or unkind to the dog.
There are still many uneducated ‘traditional’ trainers out there that think the best way to train a dog is to make it submissive towards them using harsh methods such as choke collars, prong collars, Alpha rolls, hitting, physical manipulation, and other appalling techniques and devices such as the shock collar. With the sheer volume of scientific evidence demonstrating how detrimental they are, there is simply no excuse to still be using or recommending these techniques or tools. There are, however, many wonderful trainers who are well-educated in canine behavior and use positive methods and techniques. If your dog has a behavior problem that you don’t know how to deal with and need help – invest in one of these trainers. It will change all your lives for the better.
Why does my dog jump?
One frequent question I get asked is how to stop a dog from jumping up on people when they come into the house. I always ask the same question, ‘why do you think the dog is jumping up?’
Dogs jump for many reasons. Don’t we like to see people’s faces when we say hello? Jumping while greeting is a great way for a dog to get your attention. Some dogs will jump from sheer excitement. Ever feel so excited that you just want to leap around? Excitement produces physical energy and this energy has to go somewhere.
Jumping and licking can also be signs of submission. The dog must jump up to lick the owner’s face. Licking the face and around the mouth is a learned behavior in our dogs. Licking around the mother’s mouth stimulates her to regurgitate food. It also shows mum that pups are submissive towards her. Many pups and adult dogs will lick the faces of humans and other dogs after being reprimanded. Licking is an appeasement gesture – sorry mum.
On the other side of the coin – some dogs will jump because they feel uneasy when someone comes into the house. Jumping becomes a coping mechanism that allows the dog to deal with the new intrusion.
What can you do about it?
- If your dog is jumping from pure excitement then it is wise to manage your environment by not allowing the dog to greet people when they first come through the door. Place your dog behind a baby gate BEFORE the guest arrives at the door and provide him with an interactive feeding toy or puzzle toy to keep him busy. He can then greet the visitor once they have fully entered the home and he has had a chance to calm down a bit.
- It is important to be consistent. Don’t allow the dog to jump up on you when greeting and expect him not to jump up on guests when they come into the house. Mixed messages are confusing and unfair.
- If a baby gate will not keep your dog contained, you can simply attach his leash BEFORE the guest arrives to prevent him from making contact with the person entering your home. Have treats in your pocket or in a treat pouch so you're ready to reinforce your dog any time his four feet are on the floor and he isn't jumping. When your dog receives nothing when he jumps and he receives treats and praise when he's standing calmly, he will quickly learn which is a better choice. Again consistency is key. You need to be ready to leash your dog and reinforce his good behavior each time someone enters the home for several days or weeks depending on how long your dog has been practicing the unwanted behavior of jumping.
- If your dog isn't confident around guests and jumps due to anxiety, simply place him in another place in the home where he can feel calm and comfortable. When guests are seated allow your dog to come in and say hello. If your dog shows aggressive displays toward strangers it is your primary responsibility to keep your guests safe. If this means your dog is away while guests are in your home, so be it. You will have a happier dog and happier guests.
- When your dog can greet in a calmer manner, teach him to walk up to a person and stand to accept a bit of brief petting. There's no need to require your dog to sit if he's remaining calm and keeping his feet on the ground.